
特任助教 (Designated Assistant Professor)
アブドゥルカリーム アルアスリ
Abdulkareem ALASLI
アブドゥルカリーム アルアスリ
Abdulkareem ALASLI
研究内容/Major & Research Interests
- Magnetic Refrigeration
- Nanoscale Heat Transfer
- Advanced Thermophysical Properties Measurement
2023年4月~Present | Nagoya University, Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering | Designated Assistant Professor |
2022年12月~2023年3月 | Nagoya University, Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering | Postdoctoral Researcher |
2018年9月~2019年3月 | Bilkent University, Department of Mechanical Engineering | Research and Teaching Assistant |
2016年5月~2018年3月 | Izmir Katip Celebi University, Department of Mechatronics | Research Assistant |
2022年10月 | Nagoya University, Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering | Doctor of Engineering |
2018年3月 | Dokuz Eylul University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences | Master of Science |
2012年6月 | Damascus University, FMEE, Department of Mechanical Engineering | Bachelor's Degree |
学術論文/Academic Articles
- Takuya Ishizaki, Hosei Nagano, Satoshi Tanaka, Naoya Sakatani, Tomoki Nakamura, Tatsuaki Okada, Ryohei Fujita, Alasli, Abdulkareem et. al. "Measurement of Microscopic Thermal Diffusivity Distribution for Ryugu Sample by Infrared Lock-in Periodic Heating Method". International Journal of Thermophysics. 44, 51 (2023)
- Alasli, Abdulkareem, Takamasa Hirai, Hosei Nagano, Ken-ichi Uchida. "Measurements of Thermoelectric Figure of Merit Based on Multi-harmonic Thermal Analysis of Thermographic Images". Applied Physics Letters (Cover) 121 (15): 154104 (2022)
- Alasli, Abdulkareem, Ryohei Fujita & Hosei Nagano. "Thermophysical Properties Mapping of Composites by Lock-in Thermography: Applications on Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics". International Journal of Thermophysics. 43, 12 (2022)
- T Nakamura, M Matsumoto, K Amano, Y Enokido, ME Zolensky, ... Alasli, Abdulkareem..., Y Miyake, H Yurimoto, R Okazaki, H Yabuta. "Formation and Evolution of Carbonaceous Asteroid Ryugu: Direct Evidence From Returned Samples". Science 379 (2022), eabn8671
- Levent Cetin, Alasli, Abdulkareem, Nail Akcura, Aytac Kahveci, Fatih Cemal Can & Ozgur Tamer. "Dynamical electromagnetic actuation system for microscale manipulation". Robotica 40 (10), 3586-3603 (2022)
- Alasli, Abdulkareem, Asuka Miura, Ryo Iguchi, Hosei Nagano & Ken-ichi Uchida. "High-Throughput Imaging Measurements of Thermoelectric Figure of Merit." Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods 1:1: 162-168 (2020)
- Alasli, Abdulkareem, Levent Cetin, Nail Akcura, Aytac Kahveci, Fatih Cemal Can, and Ozgur Tamer. "Electromagnet Design for Untethered Actuation System Mounted on Robotic Manipulator." Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 285: 550-565 (2019)
- Merve Koruk, Alpaslan Turgut, Alasli, Abdulkareem"Evaluating the Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity of CuO-Nanolubricants". Key Engineering Materials 750: 159-163 (2017)
- Alasli, Abdulkareem, Tuba Evgin, and Alpaslan Turgut. "Re-dispersion Ability of Multi wall Carbon Nanotubes Within Low Viscous Mineral Oil." Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 538: 219-228 (2018).
学会発表(国際)/Conference Presentation (International)
- ALASLI Abdulkareem, Ryohei Fujita, Hosei Nagano, "Thermal imaging Measurements for Mapping Out-plane Thermal Conductivity and Heat Capacity of Composites", 13th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference (ATPC2022), September 2022, Japan
- Takuya Ishizaki, Hosei Nagano, Satoshi Tanaka, ..., ALASLI Abdulkareem et. al. "Measurement of Microscopic Thermal Diffusivity Distribution for Ryugu Sample by Infrared Lock?in Periodic Heating Metho", 13th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference (ATPC2022), September 2022, Japan
- Ryohei Fujita, ALASLI Abdulkareem, Tomohiro Yokozeki, Hosei Nagano "Quantification of Early-stage Fatigue Damage on Cross-ply CFRP Laminates by Lock-in Thermographic Thermal Diffusivity Measurement" Thermosense: Thermal Infrared Applications XLIV, May 2022, USA
- S Tanaka, H Nagano, T Yagi, Y Ino, T Tsuji, M Sato, ..., A. ALASLI et. al. "Physical Properties of the Returned Sample of Ryugu by Hayabusa2 Mission", 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 2022, USA
- ALASLI Abdulkareem, Ryo Iguchi, Ken-ichi Uchida & Hosei Nagano "Imaging measurements of in-plane thermal conductivity of thin films" The 2nd Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences, Oct 2021, Japan
- A. Ueno, K. Sugimoto, A. Alasli, H. Nagano "Proposal for Flexible MEMS Loop Heat Pipe for Wearable Devices" The 2nd Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences, Oct 2021, Japan
- Kenya Sugimoto, ALASLI Abdulkareem, Ai Ueno, Hosei Nagano "Design And Fabrication of Flexible Two-Phase Heat Transport Device for Wearable Interfaces" The 2nd Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences, Oct 2021, Japan
- Nail Akcura, Aytac Kahveci, Levent Cetin, ALASLI Abdulkareem, Fatih Cemal Can, Erkin Gezgin & Ozgur Tamer "Close-Loop Control of Microrobot Within a Constrained Environment Using Electromagnet Pairs" International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Robotics (ICR), Aug 2019, Turkey
- N. Akcura, L. Cetin, A Kahveci, A. Alasli, F. Can, O. Tamer "Guided Motion Control Methodology for Microrobots", 2018 6th International Conference on Control Engineering and Information Technology (CEIT), Oct 2018, Turkey
- Tugce Fidan-Aslan, ALASLI Abdulkareem, Alpaslan Turgut, M Ozgur Seydibeyoglu, Elif Alyamac-Seydibeyoglu "Preparation of Stable Nanofluids with Surface Functionalized Nanoparticles and Determination of The Change in Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids", 16th International Conference on Clean Energy (ICCE), May 2018, Cyprus
- Serkan Doganay, Alpaslan Turgut, ALASLI Abdulkareem, and Levent Cetin, "The Influence of External Magnetic Field on Thermal Conductivity of Fe3O4-water Magnetic Nanofluid" Eleven International Conference on Thermal Engineering: Theory and Applications, February 2018, Doha, Qatar
- ALASLI. A and Turgut. A, "Re-dispersion Ability of MWCNT Within Oils" 1st European Symposium on Nanofluids (ESNf2017) October 2017, Lisbon, Portugal
- T. Evgib, HD. Koca, A. ALASLI , A. Turgut, and IH. Tavman "An Investigation on The Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity of Polyvinylpyrrolidone/De-Ionized Water Solution" THERMAM, July 2017 Rostock, Germany
- Nail Akcura, Abdulkareem ALASLI, Levent Cetin, and Ozgur Tamer "Calibration of Feedback for Electromagnet Current Control", World Electro Mobility Conference, May 2017, Turkey
- Abdulkareem Alasli, Nail Akcura, and Levent Cetin, "Electromagnet Design for Microscale Vessels", World Electro Mobility Conference, May 2017, Turkey
- ALASLI Abdulkareem, Nail Akcura & Levent Cetin "Effect of the Coil Shape on Magnetic Field of an Electromagnet for Contactless Power Transmission to Microrobots", IFToMM International Workshop on Computational Kinematics, May 2017, France
- Abdulkareem Alasli, Tuba Evgin, and Alpaslan Turgut, "Enhancing the Thermal Conductivity of Oils by Using MWCNTs as Additive", THERMAM, May 2016, Turkey
学会発表(国内)/Conference Presentation (Domestic)
- 上野 藍、川上 大河、橋本 将明, ALASLI Abdulkareem, 長野 方星 "MEMS微細加工を利用した フレキシブルループヒートパイプの研究" 第59回 日本伝熱シンポジウム May 2022, Japan
- ALASLI Abdulkareem, Asuka Miura, Ryo Iguchi, Hosei Nagano & Ken-ichi Uchida, "High-throughput measurements of thermoelectric figure of merit by using lock-in thermography" 58th Japan Heat Transfer Symposium, May 2021, Japan
- ALASLI Abdulkareem, Asuka Miura, Ryo Iguchi, Hosei Nagano & Ken-ichi Uchida, "High-throughput Measurements of Thermoelectric Figure of Merit by Thermal Imaging Technique" The 82nd JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021, Sep 2021, Japan
書籍等出版物 /Book Chapters
- Kahveci, A., Akcura, N., Cetin, L., Alasli, A., Tamer, O. "ROS Implementation for Untethered Microrobot Manipulation" Robot Operating System (ROS). Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 895. Springer, Cham.
- MEXT Scholarship (Embassy Recommended), 2019
- Damascus University Award for Excellent Student, 2010
内田健一、三浦飛鳥、長野方星,アルアスリ アブドゥルカリーム,“熱電変換特性評価方法、熱電変換特性解析装置及び解析プログラム、並びに熱電変換特性評価システム”, 特開2022-101744(P2022-101744A).
所属学会/Academic Society
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- Japan Heat Transfer Society (JHTS)
- Japanese Society of Applied Physics (JSAP)
- Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)