Thermal Control Science
Advanced Thermophysical Property Measurement Technology for Advanced Materials
Therophysical properties such as thermal conductivity and emissivity for advanced smart materials are indispensable for the thermal engineering application. In order to clarify the peculiar thermal properties of advanced materials that cannot be measured by the conventional method, our grpous develops thermophysical property measurement technology (especially thermal conductivity and radiation characteristics) based on a new idea. So far, thermophysical properties research has included simultaneous measurement of thermal diffusivity anisotropy distribution, microscale thermal resistance, simultaneous measurement of total hemisperical emittance/specific heat, simultaneous measurement of 3 thermoelectric properties, simultaneous measurement of porous pore radius / permeability, etc.
- 高熱伝導CFRPマイクロスケール熱物性
- 革新的繊維配向同定手法の研究開発
- 熱電変換材料の物性計測および熱工学的応用
- 熱寸法安定性計測に基づく次期天文衛星の高精度熱歪設計

Heat Transport Device based on understanding of Thermo-fluid Behavior in Microscale Porous Media
In recent years, effective use of thermal energy has been strongly desired, and elemental technologies such as heat storage, thermoelectric conversion, and geothermal utilization have been studied. However, as the final system, the creation of "high-efficiency heat transport technology" that connects them is indispensable. In our laboratory, we proposed to use a capillary force-driven heat transport device (loop heat pipe, LHP) for heat transport, and made a physical model from understanding of the vapor-liquid phase change phenomena in the microscale porous media, which is the key technology. Proposal of optimum phase interface structure, evaluation of porous body characteristics, construction of LHP design model, performance verification.
- 多孔体内熱流動観察・解析
- ループヒートパイプ高精度マルチスケールモデリング
- ループヒートパイプの内部流動可視化
- ループヒートパイプの長距離・抗重力化
- マイクロスケールループヒートパイプ
- 高機能ループヒートパイプ

Next-generation Spacdcraft Thermal Control Technology
The thermal environment exposed to spacecraft is totaly different from that on the ground, such as extremely low temperature, high vacuum, and microgravity, making thermal design difficult. Thermal design is extremely important because it greatly affects the performance and life of spacecraft. For future spacecraft, it is essential to improve thermal control technology. In our laboratory, we are using advanced functional materials such as autonomous absorption and heat dissipation devices, heat storage panels, and two-phase thermofluid devices to solve new thermal problems of spacecraft that will be compact and high-density mounted in the future. Based on the unique idea applied, we are proposing and researching and developing a new thermal control method that functions actively while being power-free. We are also conducting practical research and development through system thermal design of spacecraft and participation in projects. In this way, we are aiming to contribute to the field of spacecraft thermal control through comprehensive efforts from basic to applied spacecraft thermal control.
- 先進機能材料の研究開発及び宇宙機熱デバイスへの応用
- 可逆展開ラジエータ及びDESTINYへの適用
- 超小型衛星用機能的熱制御デバイス
- 宇宙用フレキシブルサーマルストラップ
- 自律熱制御ネットワークによる月面長期滞在法